We specialize in providing Practical Cyber Solutions for Small-Medium sized organizations
The resources and technologies available to Cyber Sentinel enable us to carry out the most detailed assessments of Cyber Risk and Resilience, offer and operate sophisticated protection systems, for installed systems and well as Cloud, assist the challenging areas of Mobile and Remote working scenarios and facilitate system evolutions and certifications.Cyber Sentinel work with premium suppliers and firms to bring about the best possible outcomes for our clients.A key driver in our approach is to deliver practical and cost effective solutions.
How does Cyber Sentinel deliver?
We Check
We Plan
We Defend
We have a look over your systems and processes and identify where you may be vulnerable to Cyber attack
Risks are prioritised; budgets and timeframes are considered with our client so a practical Plan can be created to achieve a high standard of protection
The Plan is actioned, and steps and measures are progressively introduced. The supports needed are provided to ensure asuccessful Cyber protection.
Cyber Sentinel is headed by Eugene Ivan, and supported by a great team of dedicated IT professionals, industry affiliations and associations
We specialize in providing Practical Cyber Solutions for Small-Medium sized organizations
The resources and technologies available to Cyber Sentinel enable us to carry out the most detailed assessments of Cyber Risk and Resilience, offer and operate sophisticated protection systems, for installed systems and well as Cloud, assist the challenging areas of Mobile and Remote working scenarios and facilitate system evolutions and certifications.Cyber Sentinel work with premium suppliers and firms to bring about the best possible outcomes for our clients.A key driver in our approach is to deliver practical and cost effective solutions.
How does Cyber Sentinel deliver?
We Check
We have a look over your systems and processes and identify where you may be vulnerable to Cyber attack
We Plan
Risks are prioritised; budgets and timeframes are considered with our client so a practical Plan can be created to achieve a high standard of protection
We Defend
The Plan is actioned, and steps and measures are progressively introduced. The supports needed are provided to ensure successful Cyber protection.
Cyber Sentinel is headed by Eugene Ivan, and supported by a great team of dedicated IT professionals, industry affiliations and associations